TN- New roles and responsibilities- Let us welcome

Dear All,

"A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done"

Indiasudar is in 11th year. To achieve our vision and mission, Indiasudar needs more and more leaders.

Let us welcome and congratulate the following members to the roles of Tamilnadu projects.

President: Kirubakaran.R (Member code: 1761)
Vice President: MuthuKavin. S (Member code: 1514)

Major assignments are

  1. Bringing next level members and leaders,
  2. Field Visits -Finding problems and providing solutions
  3. Fund raising
  4. Innovation in Indiasudar’s Projects and its management
  5. Transparency in fund utilization and project execution
  6. Interactions with beneficiaries and ensuring the progress
    & anything else to "EDUCATE and ELEVATE

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